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[Economy] Former IMF chief economist: Europe should be OK ? but 'I'm very worried about Italy'2018-06-05 22:35:46Hit:360

Written in June 05, 2018

Italy’s economic and political uncertainty has affected the financial markets as it creates anxiety about the European economy.

On the 29 th, investors sold Italian government bonds and euro and bought security assets such as US and German government bonds. The Euro has been slipping to a minimum of $1.1539 per euro since July last year, showing how Italy issues are anxious to investors.

Italy’s insecurity, which are much larger than Greece crisis in 2012, is concerned to be critical to European and global economies. Italy has a much larger economy than Greece and its debt is over 130% of GDP and more than twice that of other European countries.

This article shows what kind of political problem has caused this situation and it shows that it is developing into a global financial problems. The article also said that these problems will not cause serious problems across Europe, beyond Italy

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Contact : Kim, Jihye ( jaimekim@business.kaist.ac.kr )