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Invitation to Coaching: CEO of Me 2010-09-14Hit:7078

Student Counselling Center has combined the general psych. counselling with life & career coaching to offer you a broaden spectrum of counselling.

3 core philosophy of coaching

1. Every person has infinite possibilities.

2. Every answer you need is in you.

3. And you need a partner to find the answer.

Life & career coaching is the process which helps you to set your life goal and develope a strategy to achieve the goal, specifying what to do and what not to do.

The difference b/w counselling and coaching is that the couching takes a future oriented perspective to help you to develop action plans to achieve your goal while the counselling focuses on how to resolve the current problems you are facing.

2. Individual , Couple & Family Counselling (Psychological test included.)

- When you feel anxious and uncomfortable without a reason

- When you feel empty or have no drive to do anything

- When you feel it"s time to grow in terms of self understanding and personal relationship

- When you want to improve couple and family relationship

- When you want a clear direction for your career and many other issues in your life you want to talk about.

Contact : Lee, Jisun ( jisunlee@kaist.ac.kr )