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Final Course Evaluation in the first half of Spring 2016 2016-03-09Hit:1396

We’d like to announce final course evaluation for all 1-8 week courses offered in the first half of Spring 2016 as follows.

We hope to get a lot of interest and participation from you.

A: Purpose: To enhance the quality of teaching by using feedback from students

B: Courses to be evaluated: Courses offered for the first half of the Spring
   2016 semester (8 weeks) in School of Business
 *Please refer to the Attachment 3

C. Courses not subject to evaluation:
 1) dissertation research, internship program & exercise, individual research,
    seminars for dissertation and etc.
 2) courses offered at other universities

D. Evaluation method: online survey

E. Period: March 14(Mon.) 2016 10:00 ~ March 18(Fri.) 23:59 2016 (for 5 days)

F. Procedure: “Academic System” menu on the Portal site → Course Evaluation → Final Course Evaluation → Click “each of courses taken → Click “questions” → Confirm

G. Number of questions: 9 (including “Overall Opinion”)

H. Viewing the grades during the grade revision and positing period is restricted to the courses of which evaluations have been conducted.

I. Others
 1. All survey responses will remain anonymous.
 2. To ensure reliability of course evaluation, evaluations by students who failed to be present for at least one third of the class period will not be reflected in the calculation of evaluation results. Department/major is requested to fill in the Attachment 4, a form for the list of the students who are not eligible for the evaluation and to submit it to the Academic Planning Team by March 31, 2016.

1. Official Notice for Course Evaluation
2. List of Coursed to be Evaluated
3. Questionnaire for the Evaluation

Contact : Lee, Jisun ( jisunlee@kaist.ac.kr )
