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Korean Dream of International Students2012-10-10Hit:6199

"We want to get jobs at Samsung or Hyundai" ... "Korean Dream" of international students

The biggest reason that the number of international students studying in Korea has increased is the quality of education. Korea"s fervor for education has led Korea to become one of the top ranking nations in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Thanks to the education system, Korea, once a poor country with few natural resources, rose from the ruins of war to join the "20-50 Club" (per capita income of $20,000, 50 million population). Korean companies such as Samsung, LG, Hyundai, and POSCO play major roles on the international stage. For these reasons, most international students in Korea want to work in Korean companies or research labs after studying in Korea.

Education System for International Students

U.S. President Barack Obama praised the Korean education system as a role model for education in developing countries. According to survey of 234 foreign students by the Education Ministry, 143 students (61%) choose the excellence of Korean college education programs for the reason they are studying in Korea. Hellali Nehal (Egypt, studying Electrical Engineering at Yonsei University) said, “I am interested in Korean firms’ state-of-the-art technologies, so I decided to study in Korea to learn those technologies.” This shows that international students come to Korea because of their strong belief in the Korean education system. In addition, many lectures in Korean universities are conducted in English.

Studying in Korea is the Best Way to Get a Job

Youth in developing countries think that studying in Korean universities is the best way to get a job in Korean companies such as Samsung and Hyundai. Dmitry Banilcop (Russia, studying in the KAIST MBA program) said, “Korean firms are very impressive in Russia. After studying, I want to get a job in a Korean firm and be promoted to the head of the Russia Branch.” Victor Sanchez (Colombia, studying in the Yonsei University MBA program) took a job at Wal-Mart in Mexico after graduation. He said, "In Mexico, Wal-Mart human resources personnel worked in Korea; He knows the Korean market is difficult. My experience living in Korea increases my competitiveness.”

Surge in Interest in Korean Language and Korean Studies

According to the Foundation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, overseas universities with Korea-related departments rose from 152 in 1992 to 810 this year. Especially, Korean studies has gained popularity in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asian regions where Korean companies have expanded their business.

After getting a doctorate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Konkuk University, Ton Tien Fung (Vietnam) was appointed as a professor at Ho Chi Minh University, one of the most prestigious universities in Vietnam. He said that many professors in Southeast Asia have experience studying in Korea.


Contact : Lee, Sohyun ( sohyun.c.lee@kaist.ac.kr )