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[People] From a KAISTian to Landing a Job in Korea2017-12-19Hit:906

  • Writer주선희

KGSF enrolls about twenty foreign students every year. Some aim to find a job in Korea while most of students, who belong to KOICA Program, will be returning to their work in their home countries.

Juan Robalino (FMBA 2016), who is on track to graduate in February next year, finally succeeded in landing a job in Korea. We would like to share his experiences through this edition:

Opportunities in South Korea are not only reflected in the academic growth and expansion of knowledge, in my case, Korea has been a place of recognition of hard work and continuous effort to improve my skills. It has been a long way after finishing my master’s degree in one of the most recognized institutions in Korea, however, the sacrifice and dedication have been rewarded with the recognition and appreciation of Korean and International companies expressed in job opportunities.

Before coming to KAIST, I saw as crucial to continue my studies after my undergraduate degree as a way to improve my skills and a path to look for a better job opportunity. Nowadays, labor demand is highly competitive, especially considering ones with growing and developing prospects. My aim when I entered to KAIST was to improve myself in order to be able to reach better opportunities and accomplish personal labor objectives.

The labor supply, as in other countries, is competitive and demanding at the moment of determining the hiring guidelines. Nevertheless, having the support and background of a prestigious institution like KAIST allowed, in my case, to be considered and recognized throughout the complex hiring process. Companies are confident about the quality, values, and hard working that students from KAIST represent.

Studying at KAIST was paramount in allowing me to obtain a job, not only because of the reputation of the institution, but also because of the quality and human talent that represents studying in such a recognized institution. Among the most important competitiveness that I have enhanced in KAIST have been my leadership and hardworking capabilities, aspects that have been shaped since the first day that I started here in KAIST.

One of the most important activities is to actively participate in Job fairs for international students. In these kind of events, companies are focused more on analyzing and hiring international employees according to their demands. Being part of startup events and fairs is also crucial to expanding your social relationships that will, at a certain point in the future, serve as the connection with a job opportunity.

I had the opportunity to participate in the Commercial Office of Ecuador in Korea with an internship focused on international commerce and international marketing. Additionally, a Korean company allowed me to participate in an internship related to international negotiations. Both experiences were crucial at the moment of having an interview with companies when applying for a full time job.

My current job position is Business Developer for a Korean Company that is looking to expand its business overseas. I am part of a team conformed by 20 international people all focused on expanding the business overseas through the analysis of projects and viability of them.

The most challenging part has been the requirement of Korean language when applying for a job. However, there are several companies that have international departments that do not require Korean as a requisite for a job. Korea is open for international employees; however, they expect from you to know the business culture required to work and develop a career in the country. Before applying for a full time job, it is imperative to have an internship experience. Companies do not look just for high academic performance, they look also for business development and experience in the field.

I have the privilege of sharing my story. It was not easy, sacrifice and dedication was necessary to achieve recognition. However, the reward has been great. The opportunity to grow professionally and develop my personal skills in a demanding and challenging environment has become my main motivation of professional growth and personal realization. I must take this opportunity to thank KAIST as a great institution, the knowledge and experience acquired has allowed me to continue with my professional development and seek of happiness. KAIST represents and will represent the key that opened me the door to a promising future.

Contact : Kim, Jihye ( jaimekim@kaist.ac.kr )