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July 2010, Invitation into Student Counseling Center 2010-07-20Hit:7459

July 2010, Invitation into Student Counseling Center

1. Life-Career Rainbow Intensive Workshop: There will be a Life-Career Rainbow Intensive Workshop on ‘Personality’, ‘Interest’ and ‘Value’ that have always been the key issues in sailing throughout the life journey.

1.Session:, MBTI Workshop : 7.27(Tue) 14:00~16:00

2.Session: STRONG Vocational Interest Test Workshop : 7.28(Wed) 14:00~16:00 3.Session:, Value Clarification-Life career Rainbow Workshop : 7.29(Thu) 14:00~16:00

- Place : Seminar Room#5 (SUPEX 2nd floor)

- How to apply: Leave a comment on the Student Counseling Office’s homepage.

- Pre-examination: Come to the Student Counseling Office and take the MBTI & Strong test by 7.22 (Thu.). (Available for applicants only who can participate in all 3 workshops.)

- Lecturer: Kyeyoung Jang, Ph.D (Counseling Psychologist)

2. Individual counseling with Psychological Test

- Individual psychological Counseling

- Self understanding and interrelationship improving

- Job & Career searching - And another life issues... ★ How to take the test: Made a reservation 1 day ahead ★ ☞ How to make a reservation: Login → Reservation → Student Counseling Center → Book ☞ Office Hours: Mon. Wed. Thu. (09:00~18:00) ☞ Contact: Kyeyoung Jang, Ph.D (Counseling Psychologist) ☎3267, S267

Contact : jisun, Lee ( issue96@business.kaist.ac.kr )