KAIST-한국금융지주 금융전문가 과정 개설 2007-06-18조회수:7393
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KAIST-한국금융지주 금융전문가 과정 개설
KKIF (KAIST-Korea Investment Holdings Finance Mastership Program)
1. 개설 목적 : 한국투자금융지주의 중견핵심인력에게 필요한 전문성을 함양하여 급변하는 금융환경에 적응할 수 있는 최고 역량의 전문인력을 양성하고자 함.
2. 교육기간 및 교육 내용
- 개설기간: 2007. 6. 15 ∼ 2007. 9. 22.(3개월)
- 교육시간: 총 36강좌, 108시간
- 대상 : 한국투자금융 중견 인력
3. 입학식
- 일 시 : 2007. 6. 15 입학식
- 장 소 : 한국증권 (여의도)
KKIF (KAIST-Korea Investment Holdings Finance Mastership Program) has opened in June 2007 to help middle level managers to have practical knowledge, innovative ideas and way of strategic thinking and approach for their successful business. We invite you to experience a well organized, intensive, and valuable education program so that you will be able to lead your organization to be the leading organization
1. Aim : KKIF is designed to train the middle level managers of the Korea Investment group.
2. Courses
- Period: June 15 2007 ∼ September 22 2007 (3 months)
- Lectures/Hours: Total 36 Lectures, 108 hours
- Audience : the middle level managers of the Korea Investment holdings
3. Opening Ceremony
- Date : June 15 2007
- Venue : 한국증권, Yeoido