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2010학년도 MBA 합격생 입학등록 & 학사일정 안내 2009-12-12조회수:11618

Dean’s Speech at 2010 MBA Enrollment Ceremony

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to all of you on your successful enrollment in our MBA programs. Hundreds of excellent students applied, with outstanding academic background and experience, to get into KAIST Business School. Our faculty had a very difficult time selecting the best among the best and you were the chosen ones.

KAIST has been recognized as a world-class research university and recently ranked among the top 25 engineering universities in the world. And we, at KAIST Business School, have been building on the reputation and tradition of KAIST, and in 1995, were the first to innovatively create an MBA program here in Korea.

Since then, adding to our existing Techno MBA, we have expanded our range of MBA education to include Finance MBA, Information and Media MBA, junior executive IMBA and senior Executive MBA programs. Besides our professional programs, we continue to offer our research-based MS and PhD programs in Management Engineering. Our goal is to develop and put together cutting-edge management theory with hands-on skills/knowledge/experiences to produce business professionals/leaders that have in-depth understanding of both global business and technologies that influence the world.

With fourteen years of innovative education history and more than 2000 alumni, KAIST Business School has produced numerous business leaders in manufacturing and service industry, in outstanding Korean companies as well as brand-name multinationals. We believe that that the best way to the C-Suite (CEO, COO, CFO, CMO, CIO, etc) is through KAIST Business School. We, at KAIST Business School, will continue to move forward, to be a pioneer in business education, to become the best in Asia and one of the best in the world.

Our commitment to all of you starts here at enrollment, with the promise of a great education and experience, while at KAIST. Our support will continue lifelong, as you become successful entrepreneurs and business leaders playing a key role in the global economy and solving societal problems.

Once again, congratulations on your successful enrollment and we look forward to seeing you all in our campus very soon.

K. Ravi Kumar Dean

KAIST Business School

Dec. 4, 2009

2010학년도 신입생 등록 종합 안내

- 신입생관련 학사일정 안내

- 석사과정 신입생 오리엔테이션

- 어학센터 안내 (영어인터뷰, 어학수업 수강신청)

- 신입생 ID신청 및 전산서비스

- 학자금 대출 -

해외연수/교육 프로그램

- Web을 이용한 수강

<전공사무실 연락처>

■ 경영공학: 노영아,유지영 02-958-3601,3603

■ 테크노경영전공/IMBA전공: 김혜경,손길영 02-958-3642,3975,3668

■ 이그제큐티브전공: 변혜경,최현정 02-958-3228,3403

■ 금융전문대학원: 문현경,이지수,천성혜 02-958-3121,3167,3122

■ 정보미디어경영대학원: 유은진,박상미 02-958-3641,3661


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콘텐츠담당자 : 이지선 연락처 : 02-958-3239