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KAIST College of Business Agrees on Dual Degree Program with Universit..2012-10-31Hit:6593

KAIST College of Business Agrees on Dual Degree Program with University of New South Wales (UNSW)

On October 9th, 2012, KAIST Business School announced that it has established a dual degree program with University of New South Wales (UNSW). UNSW is recognized as one of the top schools in the field of Business Administration and MBA programs in Australia.

Through this agreement, students who participate in dual degree program are able to get the KAIST Techno MBA degree and UNSW MIB (Master of International Business) at the same time. Student exchanges start in Fall Semester 2013. KAIST College of Business provides UNSW students with scholarships and internship opportunities in Korea. UNSW offers tuition discounts to KAIST students.

Byung-tae Lee, Dean of KAIST College of Business, said “Korean Universities tend to focus on outgoing students to renowned overseas universities. This agreement, however, is for academic and student exchange with mutually equal status of the two business schools. This shows the status of KAIST Business School as a prestigious global MBA school.”

KAIST College of Business, which has agreements with more than 50 universities around the world, offers overseas training programs to students.


Contact : Yu, Eunjin ( ejyu@kaist.ac.kr )