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[08.07] 2007 경영공학전공 박사과정 Conference 2007-07-27조회수:6564

박사과정 학생의 연구 탁월성을 제고하고, 연구분야 교류 활성화와 발표능력 향상을 목적으로 마련된 제5회 경영공학전공 박사과정 Conference가 8월 7일 SUPEX경영관 최종현홀과 101, 402 강의실에서 개최됩니다. 금번에는 모두 24명의 학생이 12편의 paper와 12편의 proposal을 3개 Session에서 발표하며, 이중 논문 주제가 참신하고 발표력이 우수한 학생은 장학금을 수여합니다. 많은 학생들이 박사과정 Conference에 참여하여 논문연구에 관한 많은 정보를 얻기를 바랍니다. 인사말 - 최종현홀 B ■ 09:20~09:30 - 부총장 인사말씀 경영분석 - 최종현홀 B ■ 09:30~10:10 - A study of the relationship between lead-lag time and the time remaining to the expiration days of futures in the Korean financial markets. 김현경(paper) ■ 10:10~10:50 - How Does Creditor’s Liquidation Decision Affect Debt and Equity Values? 황근호(paper) ■ 10:50~11:30 - Are the cap and Swaption Markets Spanned by the LIBOR Market?: A Pricing Kernel Approach 민병선(proposal) ■ 11:30~12:00 - Who is the Best Contributor to Recovery of Market Efficiency in the Korean Stock Market? 강소현(proposal) ■ 13:00~13:40 - Stepped Value Function: An Analysis of Decision under Uncertainty 서영덕(paper) ■ 13:40~14:10 - Asymmetric response of price to cost changes 오경모(proposal) ■ 14:10~14:50 - OPTION PRICING WITH SHORT SALES CONSTRAINTS, PUT-CALL PARITY, AND IMPLIED VOLATILITY DISCREPANCY 박재원(paper) ■ 14:50~15:20 - The Relationship between Credit Spreads and Aggregate Factors 황인창(proposal) ■ 15:20~16:00 - Evaluating the performance of hedge funds using the stochastic discount factor 민병규(paper) 정보기술 - 101강의실 ■ 09:30~10:10 - Empirical Analysis of Risk-Taking Behavior in IT Platform Migration Decisions. 심선영(paper) ■ 10:10~10:50 - A New Marketing Strategy Map for Direct Marketing. 김영애(paper) ■ 10:50~11:20 - 집단지성에 관한 연구: 사회적 네트워크의 양상에 따른 비교 조현(proposal) ■ 11:20~11:50 - Reconsideration of Multi-criteria Linear Programming in the Vector Space: a new linear classification method with the Euclidian metric. 박성혁(proposal) ■ 13:00~13:30 - The Effect of Price Dispersion and Product Information on Consumer Product Attitude in Informediary : The Moderating Role of Involvement 정성훈(proposal) ■ 13:30~14:10 - Understanding the difference in adoption and continued usage in the context of mobile data services 김병수(paper) ■ 14:10~14:40 - Understanding the psychological characteristics of possessing digital contents. 이주원(proposal) ■ 14:40~15:10 - UCC Sharing Motives : Can the socialization tactics affect to them? 이성욱(proposal) ■ 15:10~16:20 - An analysis on the moderators of the critical factors in effective knowledge sharing of individuals and teams : Based on social network approach 허용석(proposal) 경영관리 - 402강의실 ■ 09:30~10:10 - A spatial Market Share Model : Understanding store Choice Behavior from Aggregate Data 김정기(paper) ■ 10:10~10:40 - Incorporating Heterogeneity in Consumer’s Forward-Looking Behavior in Choice Context 김호(proposal) ■ 10:40~11:10 - Musical influences in advertising: Music as a device of attitude formation and recall 민동원(proposal) ■ 11:20~12:00 - The Persistence of First-mover and Early-entrant Advantages 김정호(paper) ■ 13:30~14:10 - Do operational capability indicators enhance the prediction accuracy of supplier risk? - A model for measuring supplier risk 임영덕(paper) ■ 14:10~14:50 - AGGLOMERAYION ECONOMIES, INNOVATIVENESS OF ENTRANTS, TECHNOLOGOCAL OPPORTUNITIES, AND LOCATION DECISION 조유리(paper)

이 페이지에서 제공하는 정보에 대하여 만족하십니까?

콘텐츠담당자 : 최희정 연락처 : 02-958-3604
