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코이카 연수생 송별 오찬 행사 연수생 대표 답사 2014-03-27조회수:3800

KAIST의 개발도상국 금융핵심인력 양성과정(KOICA 프로그램)의 1기의 송별 오찬 모임이,
KAIST 경영대학 아트리움에서 12:30부터 14:00까지 과정생 및 교직원을 포함 50여명의 참석으로
성황리에 행사가 이루어졌습니다.

특히 인상적인 부분으로는 코이카 프로그램의 재학생인 Geraldine 학생의 소감문이었다.
KAIST를 통한 한국생활과 많은 배움, 그리고 교수님과 학생들에 대한 따뜻함을 표현한 글로서,
참석자들에게 진한 감동을 선사했습니다.

여러분들께 코이카 학생 수기를 아래와 같이 안내하여, 감동을 함께 공유하고자 합니다.

<Geraldine 학생 답사>
To the Dean of KAIST College of Business, Dean Minhi Han, to the Head of KAIST Graduate School of Finance, Professor Jangkoo Kang, to the KOICA Program Director, Professor Ji Soo Kim, to the Deputy Director of KOICA’s International Exchange Promotion Association, Ms. Minha Bai, to our distinguished professors and staffs of KAIST Business School who are here today, to my fellow KOICA scholars and to everyone who took time to attend this gathering, good afternoon.

When I was asked to make this farewell speech, I felt that I snapped out of a dream and was forced to come back to reality. We are really leaving now. Just the thought of it makes me want to cry because I’m not good at goodbyes.

I cannot imagine that I’m doing this in front of all of you. It seems to me that we’ve just been here yesterday but now we’re heading back home already. It was just not far too long when we arrived at KOICA Convention Center on August 22, 2012. I felt I was just on vacation because of the first class amenities and accommodation that they gave us that time. I can’t help but feel so thankful to my office that they let me out of my mountain-like case folders to have a vacation here in Korea. All those field trips and sightseeing that we did made me all the more grateful. I am quite sure that most of us felt the same that time.

When we entered KAIST a week after that, the atmosphere changed. I suddenly stiffened realizing that it was the real deal. That time, I realized, I am not here just to enjoy. I know that feeling was contagious. My colleagues must have also felt that we are here because we have to start and build a new path for our careers. We are here because our countries trusted us with a very important task, a privilege that we cannot take for granted, an endeavor that we must fulfill. And we all readied ourselves for battle.

But it was easier said than done. When we were faced with tedious and numerous home works, presentations, group discussions and mind-boggling examinations, most of us felt disturbed, restless and worried that we will not do well, especially me. But the good thing was we made each other feel that there is no reason to give up. The best thing about all those hardships and challenges was the fact that we made another set of families with each other. We helped each other in the best possible way we can and it made things easier. Now, we have accomplished what we came here for. We should be proud of ourselves and I’m sure we all are. But we should not be forgetful about the people who helped us along the way.

So on behalf of KOICA 2012, we give our heartfelt gratitude to Prof Ji Soo Kim for all the support and guidance that he gave us all throughout this program. To Jaime who has also been supportive to us, thank you for everything. To KOICA, without which we will not be here in the first place, thank you for this once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity. To our Professors, thank you for all the knowledge that you unselfishly shared with us. And to everyone who helped us in this journey, thank you very much. We will never forget you.

To the second batch of KOICA scholars, I want to congratulate you as early as now. Like us, there is no reason for you not to make it. I know you can and you will. Just remember, if you want to make this journey more meaningful, you need to work as a team and help each other. The friendship, camaraderie, trust and support that you will give each other will be the best weapon you can have against the hardships that you are facing now and will soon encounter. Good luck to all of you.

And remember what I told you earlier that I’m not good at goodbyes? I’m really not. That’s why I’m not saying goodbye for this is not goodbye yet. This is not the end of everything but just the beginning of a new and better chapter of our lives. We will see each other again and when that time comes, we will all hug each other, drink, chat, tell stories and share each other’s success. I will be looking forward to that time. I hope you will too.

Congratulations to all of us. Until we meet again.

Thank you.

<Owino 학생 답사>
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