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본문 바로가기 사이트 메뉴 바로가기 주메뉴 바로가기

2014 KAIST Open Class 2014-03-21조회수:4341

  • 작성자총관리자
  • 파일

본 행사는 MBA 및 MS 과정 입학에 관심 있는 분들에게 실제 강의를 들을 수 있는 기회를 제공함으로써 보다 실질적인 정보를 드리고자 마련한 행사입니다.
가능하면 입학에 관심 있는 분들이 오셔서 유익한 경험을 하실 수 있기를 바랍니다.
  1. 행사 기간: 2014. 4. 14(월) ~ 4. 24(목)
  2. 참가 방법
    (1) 대상: KAIST MBA/MS 과정 입학에 관심 있는 자
    (2) 신청: 온라인 사전 신청 (1인당 2개까지 신청가능하며, 강의당 최대 2~5명까지 선착순 마감됨)


담당교수 강의 시간 강의실

This course introduces a number of financial databases that are widely used to analyze various financial issues. The databases covered include Bloomberg, Datastream, Reuters EIKON, CRSP and others. The course requires many practices of downloading the data from various data sources and analyzing the data using Excel or other programming tools. During the course, students are asked to replicate parts of empirical studies on various topics in Finance using the data retrieved from various sources. The course does not focus on understanding the theories behind each empirical result since those are going to be covered in the finance courses offered during the second semester. Rather, the course focuses on how to use various databases in replicating some of the empirical results found in previous studies. The course will be taught in English and all presentations should be made in English.

포트폴리오 최적화 및 운용
The purpose of this course is to introduce the modern theory and application of portfolio management techniques. We start by discussing the mean variance portfolio theory, including determination of opportunity set and calculation of the efficient frontier. Then we move on to modeling the correlation structure of security returns and selecting the optimum portfolio. Management of bond
portfolios is also discussed in the class.

The most important role of a manager is decision making. In order to make a decision effectively, the manager must be able to identify, collect, and analyze data, which can be quantitative and/or qualitative. In this course, we more focus on quantitative data analysis to enable the manager to make an optimal decision. First, we study basic theories in statistics and probability, which can provide the foundation for managerial decision-making tools to solve real-world managerial problems: these problems are various, i.e., they can be financial, marketing, R&D, operational, or economic in nature. Based on the basic statistics and probability, we learn practical decision-making tools such as decision tree analysis, forecasting, regression analysis, and simulation modeling.

This course is one of core courses for MBA students. This course introduces the basic concepts and principles of financial accounting and enables students to utilize accounting information for decision making from the perspective of users while other accounting courses deal with technical aspects of accounting process from the perspective of accountants. This course focuses on financial accounting while broad accounting issues in managerial accounting, auditing and taxes will be also covered. The main topics covered in this course are as follows.
  1)Basic concepts and theoretical framework of financial accounting
  2)Accounting process
  3)Principles of financial statements
  4)Financial statement analysis and valuation
  5)Managerial decision making based on accounting information
  6)Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Accounting Reform
  7)IFRS(International Financial Reporting Standards)

This course is concerned with the development, evaluation, and implementation of marketing in a complex environment. The course deals primarily with an in-depth analysis of a variety of concepts, theories, facts, analytical procedures, techniques, and models, which enable students to view marketing problems in a new light. After having taken the course, you will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of what marketing is, the role of marketing in an organization, and how marketing can be used as a strategic and tactical mechanism to create value. The course addresses strategic issues such as:
  •How does marketing create value?
  •Why is marketing important in the knowledge era?
  •Positioning a brand in a competitive landscape
  •Creating, Pricing, Delivering, and Communicating the Value Proposition

  1.Identify the roles of brands and the components of brand management
  2.Learn how to design, build and manage brands
  3.Evaluate sources of brand equity as well as outcomes of brand equity
  4.Understand how strong brands are created,
  5.Explore ways to leverage brands and capitalize on brand equity to expand business
The course will mainly be a combination of discussion, lecture, and cases. This means that your participation is critical for the success of this class as is my lecture on various topics. I will try my best to enhance the interaction between the instructor and the students or between the students to promote a healthy dialogue. Interactions will be especially encouraged when discussing cases and articles. I will also be using business clips from leading practitioner outlets such as WSJ, Business Week, and Economist. These business clips are not included in the coursepack but will be uploaded on the course forum before class.

Information technology (IT) is transforming organizations and markets, affecting general and functional management, and spawning new businesses and industries. The ability to utilize and manage information technology is an essential capability for anyone who wants to manage and lead in the future. We all know that IT is having a dramatic, and in some cases, transformative effect on business. IT has already reshaped the ways that organizations and individuals get work done, and all indications are that the pace of technological change in IT will continue to be rapid for the foreseeable future.
The challenge is to make sense of this drastic change while in the midst of it. An MBA curriculum is too broad in focus and too short in duration to enable the mastery of particular technologies or applications. It is my philosophical and pedagogical position that attempting to become a technologist would be a poor investment of your time. Instead, we will focus on relating the highly dynamic IT field to a number of relatively invariant disciplinary perspectives: understanding the role and potential contribution of IT in organizations, so that you can make informed decisions about its successful deployment. You will be given a series of frameworks that can be applied to analyze the opportunities and risks associated with IT applications used in organizations.

리더십과 조직관리
본 과목은 조직 환경 하에서 일어나는 개인 행태 (예를 들어 개인의 가치관이나 인성의 차이, 태도나 동기부여 등) 에 대한 이해와 그룹 혹은 팀 조직의 관리, 그리고 전체 조직의 효과적인 설계 및 운영 관리를 위해 필요한 이론적 이해와 실제적인 문제해결 역량의 습득 모두를 목표로 한다. 특히 국제화와 정보통신 기술의 발달 등 환경 변화에 적응하기 위한 최근 새로운 조직관리 접근 방법들을 소개하고, 구체적으로 체험을 통해 자기 학습을 할 수 있도록 실제 사례에 대한 토론과 Role Playing, 학습문제에 대한 자기성찰 등을 도입하여 강의를 진행하도록 하며, 각 주제 별로 새로운 추세에 대한 지식도 학습한다. 이를 통해 장래 경영자로서의 리더십 배양과 조직 변화 관리에 대한 역량을 습득하도록 한다.

중국 투자 및 운영과 관련된 기본적인 법규와, 법규만으로는 파악할 수 없는 실제 상황을 이해하여 중국 투자 업무에 필요한 이론적, 실무적 기초를 가지도록 하는데 그 목표가 있다. 각 강의는 법률적 배경 설명과 구체적인 사례소개로 구성되어 진행될 예정이다.


이 페이지에서 제공하는 정보에 대하여 만족하십니까?

콘텐츠담당자 : 최희정 연락처 : 02-958-3604
