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본문 바로가기 사이트 메뉴 바로가기 주메뉴 바로가기

이찬진 부교수 사진
이찬진 부교수
Contact Information
  • Office.S577
  • Tel.02-958-3338
  • E-mail.chanjean@kaist.ac.kr
Research Areas Consumer Behavior, Judgment and Decision Making


    이찬진 (CHAN JEAN LEE)

    PhD. Marketing, Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley
    MS. School of Information, University of California, Berkeley
    MA. Consumer Studies, Seoul National University
    BA. Consumer Studies, Seoul National University


    EWon Assistant Professor, KAIST, 2012-2014

    Samsung Electronics, 2002-2004
Publications & Research

주요논문 (특허등)

    Chan Jean Lee, "The Test Taker’s Fallacy: How Students Guess Answers on Multiple-Choice Tests," Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Forthcoming.

    Clayton R. Critcher and Chan Jean Lee (2018), "Feeling is Believing: Inspiration Encourages Belief in God." Psychological Science, 29 (5), 723-737.

    Chan Jean Lee and Eduardo B. Andrade (2015), "Fear, Excitement, and Financial Risk-Taking," Cognition & Emotion, 29 (1), 178-187.

    Chan Jean Lee, Eduardo B. Andrade, and Stephen E. Palmer (2013), "Interpersonal Relationships and Preferences for Mood-Congruency in Aesthetic Experiences," Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (August), 382-391.

    Chan Jean Lee and Eduardo B. Andrade (2011), "Fear, Social Projection, and Financial Decision Making," Journal of Marketing Research, 48 (November), 121-129.

    Ryan S. Elder, Nilufer Aydinoglu, Victor Barger, Cindy Caldara, HaeEun Helen Chun, Chan Jean Lee, Gina Mohr, and Antonios Stamatogiannakis (2010), "A Sense of Things to Come: Future Research Directions in Sensory Marketing," in Aradhna Krishna (ed.), Sensory Marketing. New York: Taylor and Francis.

    Chan Jean Lee and Eduardo Andrade (2010), "The Effect of Emotion on Color Preferences", in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, 37, eds. Margaret C. Campbell, Jeff Inman, and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 846-847.

    Chan Jean Lee and Kee Choon Rhee (2000), "The Effects of Information Organization on the Costs and Benefits of Purchase Decision-Making," Vol. 4, Journal of Korean Consumer Society, December.


    Judgment and Decision Making
    Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior()

    Judgment and Decision Making()


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      콘텐츠담당자 : 주선희 연락처 : 02-958-3602

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