Choong-Yuel Yoo joined KAIST College of Business after completing his PhD at Queen’s University, Canada. His research interest includes traditional accounting topics and those in the boundaries of accounting and financial economics. In particular, he empirically examines the judgement and decision making of accounting information providers (e.g., CEOs and directors) as well as accounting information users (e.g., equity analysts and investors).
- Queen’s University at Kingston (Canada), Ph.D.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, MAS
Seoul National University, MBA
Kyungwon University, BBA
- Samil PwC Distinguished Professor of 2023-2025
Fmr. Editor in Chief of Korean Accounting Journal, Korean Accounting Association
Dow Jones Newswires (WSJ), Seoul Bureau
Clarion Capital Asia Ltd.
United Nations Headquarter, Management Policy Office
S.N.U., Advanced Banking Program (ABP)
Hyundai Electronics (SK hynix) Co.
- D.I. McLeod Fellowship (Queen’s) 2003-2007
- Knowledge Management Research Support, the Monieson Centre (Queen’s) 2007
- International Accounting Research Consortium Fellow (Seattle) 2002
- Lillian & Morrie Moss Fellow (Illinois) 2001-2002
- UIUC Pre-doc fellow 2001-2002
- ILJU Academic Foundation Study Abroad Fellowship, 2000
- Hyundai Securities Ltd. Scholarship 1998
- 삼일회계법인 저명교수 2023-2025
예금보험공사(KDIC) 자문위원
한국회계기준원(KASB) 회계기준자문위원 역임
한국회계기준원(KASB) 공시개선전문위원회, 위원장
한국공인회계사회(KICPA), K-IFRS 상담위원 역임
K-IFRS 질의회신 연석회의 위원 (금융감독원, 한국회계기준원) 역임
대한화섬(주) 사외이사
흥국화재해상보험(주) 사외이사 역임
HDC 자산운용(주) 사외이사 역임
HDC 랩스 (구 아이서비스) 사외이사 역임
LG전자(주) 사외이사
Publications & Research
주요논문 (특허등)
- click on hypertext for details
Brand Royalty Flows within Large Business Groups: The Effect of Holding Company Structure and Related Party Transactions Committees. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting (JBFA) 2023.
An Analyst by Any Other Surname: Surname Favorability and Market Reaction to Analyst Forecasts. Journal of Accounting & Economics (JAE) 2019.
Business Groups and Tunneling: Evidence from Corporate Charitable Contributions by Korean Companies. Journal of Business Ethics (JBE) 2019.
Demand for Fair Value Accounting: The Case of the Asset Revaluation Boom in Korea during the Global Financial Crisis. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting (JBFA) 2018.
Do Analysts Who Understand Accounting Conservatism Exhibit Better Forecasting Performance? Journal of Business Finance & Accounting (JBFA) 2017.
Professors on the Board: Do They Contribute to Society Outside the Classroom? Journal of Business Ethics (JBE) 2017.
Do Analysts Strategically Employ Cash Flow Forecast Revisions to Offset Negative Earnings Forecast Revisions? European Accounting Review (EAR) 2016.
Corporate Charitable Contributions: Business Award Winners’ Giving Behaviors. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility (BEER) 2016.
Impact of Measuring Operational-Level Planning Reliability on Management-Level Project Performance. Journal of Management in Engineering (JME) 2015.
Do Analysts Treat Winners and Losers Differently When Forecasting Earnings? International Journal of Forecasting (IJF) Special Issue on "International Financial Forecasting: Global Economic Linkages and Corporate Earnings" 2015.
Estimation and Prediction Tests of Cash Flow Forecast Accuracy. Journal of Forecasting (JF) 2013.
(view my research on SSRN Author page)
(view my research portfolio at google scholar)
- Analysts' forecasts (애널리스트, 미래이익예측);
Corporate governance (기업지배구조, 이사회);
CSR / ESG (기업의 사회적 책임, 기부금, 경영윤리);
IFRS and financial accounting issues in capital market (국제회계기준, 기업공시 등 자본시장 내 회계제도 및 재무보고 이슈).