- Sep 2007-Aug 2013 PhD in Finance | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Mar 1998-Feb 2002 BA, Economics | Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
- Jun 2020-Now, Assistant Professor of Finance KAIST, Seoul, South Korea
Jun 2013-May 2020, Assistant Professor of Finance Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Publications & Research
주요논문 (특허등)
- - Analyzing Active Fund Managers' Commitment to ESG: Evidence from the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, Management Science, Accepted with Aaron Yoon
- Revealed Heuristics: Evidence from Investment Consultants’ Search Behavior, Review of Asset Pricing Studies,
Forthcoming with Sudheer Chava and Daniel Weagley
- Characteristic-based Returns: Alpha or Smart Beta?, Journal of Investment Management, Forthcoming with Robert Korajczyk and Andreas Neuhierl
- Arbitrage Portfolios, Review of Financial Studies, (2021) with Robert Korajczyk and Andreas Neuhierl
- Self-fulfilling arbitrages necessitate crash risk, Journal of Financial Market (2020) with Donghyun Ahn and Kyoungwon Seo
- Ex-post risk premia estimation and asset pricing tests using large cross sections: The regression-calibration approach, Journal of Econometrics, (2018) with Georgios Skoulakis
- Capital Allocation and the Market for Mutual Funds: Inspecting the Mechanism (2021) with Jules van Binsbergen and John Kim
- Large Sample Estimators of Stochastic Discount Factor (2021) with Robert Korajczyk
- Payoff Estimation of Analysts’ Herding Incentive (2021) with Jonathan Clarke and Kyoungwon Seo
- The More Resilient, the More Vulnerable (2021) with Donghyun Ahn and Kyoungwon Seo
- Testing Ex-post Implications of Asset Pricing Models using Individual Stocks over Short Horizons (2019) with Georgios Skoulakis
- A Hidden Markov Modeling of Momentum (2018) with Kent Daniel and Ravi Jagannathan
- Global Diversification with Local Stocks: A Road Less Traveled (2017) with Cheol Eun, Fengrong Wei, and Teng Zhang