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본문 바로가기 사이트 메뉴 바로가기 주메뉴 바로가기

이창양 교수 사진
이창양 교수
Contact Information
  • Office.S404
  • Tel.02-958-3061
  • E-mail.drcylee@kaist.ac.kr
Research Areas Innovation Economics, Innovation Strategy and Policy, Economic Policy
Dr. Chang-Yang Lee is Professor of Economics and Public Policy, whose main research interest broadly covers economics of innovation and industrial and innovation policy. He earned his master's and doctoral degrees from Harvard University. He has an extensive experience in policy making at the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE) of Korea and recently served as Minister of the MOTIE. He has been advising several government agencies and private companies.


    - Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Ph.D. in Public Policy (Economics of Innovation) (1999)
    - Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, MPA (1995)
    - 서울대학교 행정대학원, 석사 (정책학) (1987)
    - 서울대학교 사회과학대학, 학사 (정치학, 경제학 부전공) (1985)


    < 수상 >

    - KAIST 공적대상 (2024)
    - KAIST 우수강의상 (2022)
    - 올해의 교수상 (교육 부문, KAIST 경영대학, 2017)
    - KAIST 우수강의대상 (2014)
    - 동아일보 "10년뒤 한국을 빛낼 100인" 선정 (2013)
    - KAIST 학술상 (2010)
    - 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (2009, IBC)
    - Marquis Who's Who in the World (26th ed., 2009)
    - KAIST 창의강의대상 (2008)
    - 제10회 송곡과학기술상 (2008, 과학기술 이론 및 정책 분야)
    - Outstanding Teaching Award (KAIST 경영대학, 2005)
    - Best Research Award (KAIST 경영대학, 2004)
    - 제33회 매경 이코노미스트상 (2003)
    - KAIST 우수강의상 (2002, 2005)

    < 학계 >

    - KAIST 교수평의회 위원 (2014~2017)
    - KAIST 경영대학 EMBA(Executive MBA) 책임교수 (2009~2011)
    - KAIST 테크노경영대학원 경영공학 책임교수 (2007~2008)
    - Harvard University Visiting Scholar (2005-2006)
    - KAIST 경영대학 조교수/부교수/정교수 (2000~현재)

    < 정부 및 공공 분야>

    - 산업통상자원부 장관 (2022~2023)
    - 제20대 대통령직인수위원회 경제2분과 간사 (2022)
    - 신성장위원회 위원장 (금융위원회) (2017~2018)
    - 산업통상자원부장관 경제자문관 (2016~2017)
    - 신산업민관협의회 위원 (산업통상자원부) (2016~2017)
    - 기초기술연구회 기획평가위원 (2011~2014)
    - 공기업 경영평가위원 (R&D 및 총괄 부문) (2002~2004)
    - 산업자원부 (현, 산업통상자원부) 산업정책과장 (1999)
    - 대통령 비상경제대책위원회 전문위원 (산업정책 및 기업구조조정) (1997-1998)
    - 통상산업부 장관비서관 (1990-1991)
    - 상공부 사무관 및 통상산업부 서기관 (1986-1996)
    - 제29회 행정고시 수석 합격 (1985)


    - CJCGV 사외이사 (2024~현재)
    - LG Display 사외이사 (2019~2022)
    - SK hynix 사외이사 (2012~2018)
    - TCK 사외이사 (2009~2014)
    - 한국산업단지공단 사외이사 (2008~2011)
Publications & Research

주요논문 (특허등)

    < 최근 해외 저널 >

    Does Government Support Make Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Reluctant to Grow? Evidence from South Korea, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 29(2), 2024 (April) (with Jin-Uk Choi and Ji-Hwan Lee).

    Technological Diversification, Technology Portfolio Properties, and R&D Productivity, Journal of Technology Transfer, 48(6), 2023 (December) (with SH Yoo).

    Do R&D Cooperation with Competitors Cause Firms to Invest in R&D More Intensively? Evidence from Korean Manufacturing Firms, Journal of Technology Transfer, 48(3), 2023 (June) (with BJ Choi).

    Do Government-funded Patents Have Higher Quality than Privately-funded Patents? Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 32(4), 2023 (May) (with Jin-Uk Choi).

    The Differential Effects of Basic Research on Firm R&D Productivity: The Conditioning Role of Technological Diversification, Technovation, 118, 2022 (December) (with Jin-Uk Choi).

    R&D Employee Training, the Stock of Technological Knowledge, and R&D Productivity, R&D Management, 52(5), 2022 (with Donggyu Kim).

    Technological Diversification and R&D Productivity: The Moderating Effects of Knowledge Spillovers and Core-technology Competence, Technovation, 104, 2021 (with Mincheol Choi).

    Power-Law Distributions of Corporate Innovative Output: Evidence from U.S. Patent Data, Scientometrics, 122(1), 2020, pp. 519-554 (with Mincheol Choi).

    The Peter Pan Syndrome for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Evidence from Korean Manufacturing Firms, Managerial and Decision Economics, 41(3), 2020, pp. 426-445 (with Mincheol Choi).

    The Moderating Role of Competence Specialization in the Effect of External R&D on Innovative Performance, R&D Management, 49(4), 2019, pp. 574-594 (with Byung-Seok Koo).

    Geographical Clustering and Firm Growth: Differential Growth Performance among Clustered Firms, Research Policy, 47(6), 2018, pp. 1173-1184.

    What Determines Firms' R&D Intensity in Business Groups with Cross-ownership Structures?, Industry and Innovation, 24(6), 2017, pp. 633-658 (with Taeyoon Sung, and Hyeonmi Ahn).

    Are Large Business Groups Conducive to Industry Innovation? The Moderating Role of Technological Appropriability, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 34 (2), 2017, pp. 313-337 (with Ji-Hwan Lee and Ajaj Gaur).

    Technological Regimes and Firm Survival, Research Policy, 45(1), 2016, pp. 113-124 (with Jungho Kim).

    Technological Diversification, Core-technology Competence, and Firm Growth, Research Policy, 45(1), 2016, pp. 232-243 (with Jungho Kim and Yunok Cho)

    Technological Capability, Agglomeration Economies, and Firm Location Choice, Regional Studies, 48(8), 2014, pp. 1337-1352 (with Yuri Cho).

    Learning-by-doing in R&D, Knowledge Threshold, and Technological Divide, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 22(1), 2012, pp. 109-132.

    Technological Regimes and the Persistence of First-mover Advantages, Industrial and Corporate Change, 20(5), 2011, pp. 1464-3650 (with Jungho Kim).

    The Differential Effects of Public R&D Support on Firm R&D: Theory and Evidence from Multi-country Data, Technovation, 31(5~6), 2011, pp. 256-269.

    A Theory of Firm Growth: Learning Capability, Knowledge Threshold, and Patterns of Growth, Research Policy, 39(2), 2010, pp. 278-298.

    Do Firms in Clusters Invest in R&D More Intensively? Theory and Evidence from Multi-country Data, Research Policy, 38(7), 2009, pp. 1159-1171.

    Competition Favors the Prepared Firm: Firms' R&D Responses to Competitive Market Pressure, Research Policy, 38(5), 2009, pp. 861-870.

    The Relationship between R&D Concentration and Industry R&D Intensity: A Simple Model and Some Evidence, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 18, 2009, pp. 353-368 (with Jaesun Noh).

    Inter-industry Differences in Profitability: The Legacy of the Structure-Efficiency Debate Revisited, Industrial and Corporate Change, 18(3), 2009, pp. 351-380 (with Ishitiaq P. Mahmood).

    Schumpeter's Legacy: A New Perspective on the Relationship between Firm Size and R&D, Research Policy, 34(6), 2005, pp. 914-931 (with Taeyoon Sung).

    A New Perspective on Industry R&D and Market Structure, Journal of Industrial Economics, 53(1), 2005, pp. 101-121.

    Business Groups: Entry Barrier-Innovation Debate Revisited, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 54, 2004, pp. 513-531 (with Ishitiaq P. Mahmood).

    A Simple Theory and Evidence on the Determinants of Firm R&D, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 12, 2003, pp. 385-395.

    Firm Density and Industry R&D Intensity: Theory and Evidence, Review of Industrial Organization, 22, 2003, pp. 139-158.

    Advertising, Its Determinants, and Market Structure, Review of Industrial Organization, 21, 2002, pp. 89-101.

    A Simple Model of R&D: An Extension of the Dorfman-Steiner Theorem, 2002, Applied Economics Letters, 9(7), 2002, pp. 449-452.

    Industry R&D Intensity Distributions: Regularities and Underlying Determinants, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12, 2002, pp. 307-342.


    - Economics of Innovation
    - Innovation Strategy and Policy
    - Industrial and Technolgy Policy

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