- Economics, University of Chicago
M.A. in Economics, University of Chicago
B.A. summa cum laude in Economics, Minor in Business Admin., Seoul National University
- [학내]
카이스트 경영전문대학원장 (현재)
카이스트 MBA 책임교수 (현재)
카이스트 서울캠퍼스 창업 및 인큐베이션 센터장 (현재)
카이스트 경영대학 글로벌 데이터 융합 리더 양성 사업 (과기정통부) 연구책임자 (현재)
카이스트 디지털금융전문가과정 DT 책임교수 (2023)
한국경영학회 편집위원, 이사 (현재)
한국마케팅학회 편집위원, 총무이사, Asia Marketing Journal (Co-Editor) (현재)
한국미디어경영학회 연구이사 (현재)
한국데이터법정책학회 총무이사 (현재)
대통령직속 국가인공지능위원회 위원 (2024년9월~현재)
금융위원회 금융산업 경쟁도평가위원회 위원 (2023년9월~현재)
한국거래소(KRX) 코스닥시장상장위원회 위원 (2023년5월~현재)
행정안전부 공공데이터 제공 운영 실태평가 평가단 (2021년~2023년)
문화체육관광부 제4기 여론집중도조사위원회 위원 (2019년~2022년)
KOBACO 공익광고협의회 위원 (2021년)
과학기술정보통신부 온라인 플랫폼 정책포럼 위원 (2020년~2021년)
LG 연암재단 해외연구교수 시카고 대학 Booth 경영대 (2016~2017년)
한국경영학회 매경 최우수논문상 (2020년)
카이스트 경영대학 우수연구자상 (2022년)
카이스트 개교 52주년 학술상 (2023년)
한국경영학회 신진경영학자상 (2023년)
카이스트 경영대학 우수교육상 (2023년)
- 데이터 기반 DT(Digital Transformation) 관련 자문 활동: 교보문고, LG 유플러스, 하나카드, 쇼핑엔티, 웅진씽크빅, 한화투자증권, SKT
사외이사: 네오오토
Publications & Research
주요논문 (특허등)
- "Physician Learning and New Drug Diffusion," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago, 2011
"New Drug Diffusion when Forward-Looking Physicians learn from Patient Feedback and Detailing," with Pradeep Chintagunta and Ronald Goettler, Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), Vol. 49, No. 6 (2012), p. 807-821.
"Investigating Brand Preferences across Social Groups and Consumption Contexts," with Pradeep Chintagunta, Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME), Vol. 19, Issue 3 (2012), p. 305-333.
"To Tweet or Not to Tweet? Social Media Marketing for Digital Music Contents," with Geonhyeok Go and Sulah Cho, Entrue Journal of Information and Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2013), p.45-58.
"Effect of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster on the Global Public Acceptance of Nuclear Energy," with Wonjoon Kim and Younghwan Kim, Energy Policy, Vol. 61, October (2013), p. 822-828.
"An International Comparative Analysis on Public Acceptance of Nuclear Energy," with Wonjoon Kim and Younghwan Kim, Energy Policy, Vol. 66, January (2014), p. 475-483.
"What Makes You Grab Low Carb Beers?" with Hailey Hayeon Joo, Applied Economics, Vol. 46, No. 13 (2014), p. 1526-1534.
"Investigating the Congruence of Crowdsourced Information with Official Government Data: The Case of Pediatric Clinics," with Yuchul Jung, Dain Jung, and Cinyoung Hur, Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), Vol. 16, No. 2 (2014):e29.
"Group-wise Herding Behavior in Financial Markets: An Agent-based Modeling Approach," with Minsung Kim, PLoS ONE, Volume 9, Issue 4 (2014): e93661.
"Effects of ICT Device Ownership on Consumers' Digital Piracy Behavior" with Hyeonbo Sim, and Junghoon Moon, The Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 23, Issue 4 (2014), p. 169-196.
"Identifying Key Hospital Service Quality Factors in Online Health Communities" with Yuchul Jung, Dain Jung, and Cinyoung Hur, Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), Vol. 17, No. 4 (2015):e90.
"Online Brand Community Management for New Products:The Role of Consumer-Specific Social Network Topology" with Jungyoun Lee, International Telecommunications Policy Review, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2015), p. 67-92.
"Style Synthesis and Analysis of Car Designs for Style Quantification" with Kyung Hoon Hyun, Ji-Hyun Lee, and Sulah Cho, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 29, No. 3(2015), p. 483-494.
"Spillover Effect of Sport Team Performance on the Value of Corporate Sponsors and Affiliated Firms" with Hojun Sung, Changi Nam, and Seung Hun Han, International Journal of Sport Finance, Vol.11, No.1(2016), p.79-96.
"The Gap between Design Intent and User Response: Identifying Typical and Novel Car Design Elements among Car Brands for Evaluating Visual Significance" with Kyung Hoon Hyun, and Ji-Hyun Lee, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, (2015), p. 1-13.
"Reference Quality-based Competitive Market Structure for Innovation-Driven Markets" with Wonjoon Kim, International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), Vol. 32 (2015), p. 284-296.
"Evaluation of Large-Scale Data to Detect Irregularity in Payment for Medical Services: An Extended Use of Benford's Law" with Junghyun Anna Park and Seokjoon Yoon, Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol. 55 (2016), p. 284-291.
"Adoption of Green Electricity Policies: Investigating the Role of Environmental Attitudes via Big Data-driven Search-Queries" with Donghyun Lee and Jungyoun Lee, Energy Policy, Vol. 90 (2016), p. 187-201.
"Do Media Type and Time of Day Matter in Social Media Engagement? The Case of the Music Industry" with Geonhyeok Go and Jooyoung Lim, International Telecommunications Policy Review, Vol. 24, No. 1 (2017), p. 105-124.
"Macro-Environmental Factors and Technological Evolution of Complex Product System: Evidence from Nuclear Power Plant," with Kwak, Kiho, Wonjoon Kim, and Chang Yeon Cho, Journal of Technology Innovation, Vol. 25, No. 2 (2017), p. 89-125.
"Why Do Consumers Resist Innovative Wearable Devices? The Case of Smartwatches," with Minseok Kim, Wonjoon Kim, and Jae Won Kang, Journal of Korean Content Association, Vol.17, No.9 (2017), p. 523-535.
"Identifying Prescription Patterns with a Topic Model of Diseases and Medications" with Sungrae Park, Doosup Choi, Wonchul Cha, Chunhyun Kim, and Ilchul Moon, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Vol. 75 (2017), p. 35-47.
"Hierarchical Prescription Pattern Analysis with Symptom Labels" with Su-Jin Shin, Je-Yong Oh, Sungrae Park, and Il-Chul Moon, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 111 (2018), p. 94-100.
"Big Data and Competition Policy: An Explorative Study of Online Business in Korea," with Taehi Hwang, Hyeshin Cho, and Seonghun Yun, International Telecommunications Policy Review, Vol. 26, No.3 (2019). p.101-124.
"Quality-Adjusted International Price Comparisons of Mobile Telecommunications Services" with Seonghun Yun, and Yongjae Kim, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 43, No.4 (2019), p. 339-352.
"An Empirical Investigation on the Economic Impact of Shared Patient Information Among Doctors," with Dain Jung, Do Won Kwak, and Hye-jin Kim, Applied Economics, Vol. 52, No.33 (2020), p. 3555-3573.
"The Moderating Role of Subjective Norms and Self-Congruence in Customer Purchase Intentions in the LCC Market: Do Not Tell Me I Am Cheap," with Minho Suk, Wonjoon Kim, Research in Transportation Business & Management, 41 (2021): 100595.
"Drinking through good times and bad: The role of consumer differences," with Pradeep Chintagunta, Hailey Hayeon Joo and Jungmin Lee, Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), Vol. 58, No. 4 (2021), p. 721-741.
"Home-Tutoring Services Assisted with Technology: Investigating the Role of Artificial Intelligence Using a Randomized Field Experiment," with Do Won Kwak, Junhyung Kim, and Sol Lee, Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), Vol. 59, No. 1 (2022), p. 79-96.
"Mapping Consumers' Context-Dependent Consumption Preferences: A Multidimensional Unfolding Approach," with Junghyun Park and Pradeep Chintagunta, Journal of Consumer Research (JCR), Vol. 49, No. 2 (2022), p. 202-228.
"Long Short-Term Memory-Based Deep Learning Models for Screening Parkinson’s Disease Using Sequential Diagnostic Codes," with Yoon, Seokjoon, and Woong-Woo Lee (2023), Journal of Clinical Neurology, 19.
"A Role of β2-Adrenoreceptor Agonists Related to the Development of Parkinson's Disease," with Dain Jung, Do Won Kwak, and Woong-Woo Lee (2023), Neurology India, 71(4), 710.
“Exploring the Strategic Use of a Broadcast License Deal in the Korean OTT Market: Application of the Multiple Ideal Point Model,” with Kim, Sohyun Kim, and Junghyun Park, Information Society & Media, Vol. 24, No. 1 (2023), p. 113-150.
"Robot anthropomorphism and job insecurity: The role of social comparison." with Phyllis Xue Wang, and Sara Kim, Journal of Business Research (JBR), Vol. 164 (2023), 114003.
"What Drives Green Food Consumption in the ICT Era? Exploring the Role of Family Decision-Making," with Dajeong Ko, Youngwook Koo, and Sol Lee, International Telecommunications Policy Review, Vol. 31, No. 3 (2024), p. 51-87.
"Predicting Parkinson's disease with a deep learning algorithm using prodromal medical and prescription data," with Woong-Woo Lee, and Youngwook Koo, Journal of Clinical Neurology, accepted.
"Engaging Consumers with Virtual Reality: A Moderation Role of Product Types and Consumption Orientations," with Sol Lee, and Kyungdon Choi, Psychology & Marketing, accepted.
"Overcoming the Challenges of Mobile Marketing: Mobile Content Marketing in a Distracted World," with Seokjoon Yoon, Jaewon Yoo, Wonjoon Kim, and Minsok Lee, resubmission requested at Management Science (MS)
"An Collective Turnover and Unit Performance: Exploring a Dynamic Relationship," with Yui Jin Kim, Do won Kwak, Sungjoon Nam, under revision for 2nd round resubmission to Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP)
"When Marketers Meet Designers: Product Design Strategy via Design Quantification," with Inseong Song, Ji-Hyun Lee, Sulah Cho, and Kyung Hoon Hyun, resubmission requested at Journal of Marketing Research (JMR)
"When Chatbots Increase Spending: Evidence from Longitudinal Company Data and Experiments," with Sara Kim, Do Won Kwak, and Sol Lee, under revision for 3rd round resubmission to Journal of Marketing (JM)
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- Subjects
- Digital Transformation
- Competition & Innovation
- Developing Structural Models for Quantitative Marketing