- -Ph.D, Real Estate and Urban Land Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2006)
-MS, Real Estate and Urban Land Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2001)
-MBA, Finance, Seoul National University (1996)
-BBA, Business Administration, Seoul National University (1993)
- - 2007 ~ Present, Assistant Professor, KAIST Graduate School of Finance
- 2006 ~ 2007, Research Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 2006 ~ 2006, Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 2001 ~ 2002, Supervisor, University of Cambridge
- 2013 ~ 2015 NPS 투자전문위원회 위원
2014 ~ 2016 KRX 증권상품시장 발전 위원회 위원
Publications & Research
주요논문 (특허등)
- Refereed Publications
"Are Commercial Mortgage Defaults Affected by Tax Considerations?," Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 46, 1-23, 2013. ( with Brian A. Ciochetti and James D. Shilling)
"Seemingly Irrational but Predictable Price Formation in Seoul’s Housing Market," Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 44, 526-542, 2012. (with Kyung-Hwan Kim and James D. Shilling)
"Valuing Retail Shopping Center Lease Contracts," Real Estate Economics, 35:4, 623-649, 2007. (with ? James D. Shilling,
"Unsmoothing Commercial Property Returns: A Revision to Fisher-Geltner-Webb’s Unsmoothing Methodology," Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 27:3. 393-405, 2003. (with Yuichiro Kawaguchi and James D. Shilling)
Working Paers
" Agglomeration Risk in Retail Shopping Centers" (with Mark Eppli, Hoon Cho, James Shilling) submitted at Real Estate Economics 2014
"Characteristics of Mortgage Termination in Korea", (with Hyeongjoon Kim)
"Do Higher Land Values Cause Higher House Prices, or Vice Versa?" (with Kyunghwan Kim, Youngjoon Park, James Shilling)
"Are House Prices and Trading Volume Related?" (with Kyunghwan Kim and James Shilling)
"Limited Market Power and Institution's Incentives in a Distressed Market" (with Sangwook Sung)
"An Empirical Analysis of Advance Payment Guarantee" (with Hyeongjun Kim)
Research In-Progress
"The Self-Enforced Exercise of Development Option in Real Estate considering Alternative Non?Real Estate Investment Choice"
- -Statistical Techniques for analyzing Defaults, Valuation of Default Risk, Empirical of pricing CMBS, Correlated Default Model, Real Estate Securitization and Real Estate Investment Trusts, Unsmoothing of Commercial Property Index